
Hohenkammer Workshop der EPO

Executive summary of the Hohenkammer workshop between the members of the Administrative Council, other European Policy Makers and members of the EPO

Ein faszinierender Bericht über die Zukunftspläne bei der EPO, der wie auch schon das WIPO Open Forum gewisse depressive Züge annimmt.

The aim of that workshop was to collectively use the information of the work currently being undertaken on the EPO Scenarios project to reflect on how the future of patenting and intellectual property might evolve over the next 15-20 years, at both European and global level.

Aus den Interviews ergab sich zur Zukunft des Systems:

Views ranged from denial, i.e. that possible threats were an 'incorrect perception' in one group to agreement that system would undoubtedly change in another. It was felt that the patent system was likely to be used as a 'surrogate' or lightning rod for other issues not directly related to IPR.

Die Sprachenvielfalt und der damit verbundene Streit ist bekanntlich ein Problem eines europäischen Binnenmarktpatentes (das bekanntlich aus diesem Gründen auf Eis gelegt wurde), betrifft aber auch die EPLA-Lösung der EPO.

Comments on the language issue included 'problem insurmountable' and 'too early to be thinking of this'.

Das ist schon seltsam bei einem Workshop mit einer 15-Jahr Perspektive. Auch die Entmachtung oder Neudefinition nationaler Patentämter scheint politisch nicht durchsetzbar:
At present, there appears to be no clear future role for the NPOs, along with concerns that a downgrading of their role would not be politically realisable, nor desirable as it would be to the detriment of domestic industry and SMEs.

Die Beziehung zur Öffentlichkeit ist ein weiteres Problemfeld

There were many comments on the inability of society to understand the complexity of the system. One group held the belief that the power of pressure groups was overestimated: 'decisions on the future of IP would be taken on sound judgement rather than single interest groups'. Technology has enabled individuals to identify their needs, so creating new tensions within kaleidoscopic society.

gegen das Volksbildung angeführt wird:
Public education was a strong theme. An EU approach to promote the positive aspects of IP was considered necessary, and 'incorrect claims should be

Für die Pathologisierung werden Szenarien gebildet: Anpassungsfähigkeit an den Wandel, Konflikt mit der Wettbewerbspolitik, Konservatimus, geistige Störungen.

In addition to the issues raised above, several interesting dilemmas were identified
by the workshop. These too will be incorporated into the scenarios:
• Increasing tensions between the speed and scale of change (characterised
by the unregulated marketplace) and the intractable structures of governance
• Increasing tensions between globalising interests and efficiency (capacity,
time and money wasted) and national needs/government intervention (R&D
expenditure, tax and competition policy)
• The geo-political differences regarding adaptability: The pragmatism of
emerging countries and their willingness to adapt to a changing environment,
unlike Europe
• Human psychology in the face of turbulence and change: Denial, anger,
bargaining often precede acceptance in the face of uncertainty, so that
responses such as increasingly rigid controls rather than adaptive
mechanisms are implemented.

Es wird deutlich wie stark eine Institutionalisierung von Interessen fortgeschritten ist, dazu noch als kurz dieses insgesamt sehr bezeichnende Zitat:
There was much concern regarding the ability to enforce quickly as failure could result in the adoption of alternative models of protection.

Ja und? Nur auf den ersten Blick wirkt das folgende seltsam.
Theological views, perspectives of young people and cooperation with the
private sector are missing.

Theologische Perspektiven, gemeint dürfte dabei vor allem die islamische Sicht sein, die auf internationaler Ebene eine neue Duftnote einbringt und von ganz anderen Voraussetzungen ausgeht. "Junge Leute" klingt nach PR-Aktivitäten und "Kooperation mit der Privatwirtschaft" dürfte ein wichtiges Zukunftsthema sein.