Let us not enthrone MM [=Mass media] as champions of democracy, instead confer them their intrinsic responsibility: to inform society. Says Elías Canetti [10] that only in the measure in which the confession of a responsibility is achieved the convergence point between communication and democracy will be found that is, MM acknowledging their task, and the rest of society evaluating and acting in consequence, politically if necessary.
Oh, a nice reference.
10. Elías Canetti. “Power and survival” in The Conscience of the Words. Mexico, FCE. 1981.
Little fraud makes sense. You can point your readers to good literature and say what you want. References make a text look scientific. Needless to say that Canetti does not advocate "that only in the measure in which the confession of a responsibility is achieved the convergence point between communication and democracy will be found that is, MM acknowledging their task, and the rest of society evaluating and acting in consequence, politically if necessary.". Does not matter. Canetti is a good essayist and worth to get read. And Sánchez de Armas read him and just messed up his Zettelkasten?! "Power and survival" is not about mass media. The convergence point between Canetti and Sanchez de Armas will be found.
I promise it.