

IBM's Bob Sutor accused CompTIA of false flag operations:
"IBM is not now a member of CompTIA. We used to be a member, but we quit some time ago. We did not participate in any CompTIA meeting where we voiced our support for OOXML. I don’t know why any representative of CompTIA would stand up and misrepresent our membership and our position on this issue."

While IBM is not a member of the group it sponsors their annual Brussels conference 2007: Breakaway Europe, Wednesday, October 24, 2007 - Friday, October 26, 2007. 10,000 Eur.

What Lee wrote in his original Australia notes:
CompTIA was represented by Danaka Bakailch and were pro OOXML mentioned they have 25000 corporate members and gave the impression that she was speaking on behalf of the member companies. Kaaren from IBM asked how this position was arrived at as IBM is a member and does not agree with that position(Sun is also a member), I don't believe CompTIA adequately explained how they arrived at this position. Claimed it was feedback from members but this was disputed.

So who is right? Bob or Karen? Both seem to agree with me that CompTIA is not.

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