
WIPO HLF: Patent Examination problems

JPO/WIPO High Level Forum on IP Policy and Strategy in Tokyo, 2006-01-25/26:

Very intresting contributions (from the JPO report):

a) US delegation: Don't follow us

The delegation of the U.S. noted that the U.S. had been dealing with its examination backlog on its own by employing more examiners but such a way of solution was not a sustainable one, was a waste of R&D human resources, and that developing countries should not model after this method. It stressed that countries should promote mutual exploitation of search/examination results.

b) EPO: Office automation had been reaching its limit

EPO also mentioned that its productivity enhancement measure using the office automation technology had been reaching its limit, and that search/examination cooperation with other IP Offices was essential.

Note: Mutual exploitation of search/examination results requires international harmonisation and standardisation.