
Internet Governance Forum in Genf

Ich habe gerade zufällig einen Blogbeitrag von Aaron Seigo gelesen. Er ist tätig im KDE Projekt, das die grafische Desktopumgebung für unixartige Betriebssysteme gestaltet, die auch ich gerne nutze. In seinen Reflektionen stolperte ich über diese treffliche Zeile zu seinem Projekt:

...we have amazing people who are doing hard work. not always glamorous, not always with a big shiny logo and a huge marketing push. just getting shit done.

Es ist genau dieser Pragmatismus, der 'Technical Governance' auszeichnet. Wie komme ich nun zum Internet Governance Forum der Vereinten Nationen? Vielleicht, indem ich zitiere, was Norbert am zweiten Tag (17.2.2006) den Diplomaten an den Kopf geworfen hat:

I would like to react to the statement of Brazil that the Internet Governance Forum could take many days so that we can wait -- so that we can afford to waste an entire day. I would like to emphasize that technical experts don't think that way. If a lot of patience for political speeches is required, they will simply not come. ... And for this reason, I would suggest to schedule the Internet Governance Forum back to back with a technical conference which is of interest to the leading thinkers that everybody has been emphasizing should be attracted to the Internet Governance Forum. And such technical conference would also give diplomats and everyone else here the opportunity to set your feet into the world of how technical experts think and interact with each other.

Ganz im Ton des früheren Artikeltitels von Kleinwächter: Quatschbude oder Kreativstube?

Danach, in der Nachmittagssession machen sich produktive Auflösungserscheinungen bemerkbar.

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