
WIPO Broadcast Mensch

Tellis, Waitara pose themselves a question:

How should developing countries respond to increased protection for broadcasting organisations at WIPO?

Precision please: What "increased protection"?

The paper concludes that there is a lack of evidence that the rights and additional protection for broadcasting and cablecasting organisations as incorporated in the Revised Draft Basic Proposal for a WIPO Treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting Organisations are either necessary or desirable from a developing country perspective.

True, but no nation is required to join a proposed WIPO treaty, a proposal which is dead by the way. The underlying misconception of the authors is the assumption that politicians in developing nations follow the interests/needs of their nations, whatever that is. UN negotiations are about political deals not about the interests of their respective nations for their markets. Without regard of the international level these nations can make laws and provide protection as they desire. The absense of national regulation demonstrates that there is no need.

Quid pro quo? Or: let's talk about "Technical Assistance". Naive research about the interests of their nations is not useless.