
Another OOXML response

Do customers care about OOXML?

More is better?
* So clear that the Open XML standard is larger (in number of pages) than the ODF one as it contains more features.

Then UN diplomates win the clarity award, no. Some other arguments, weak:
I guess most people in the street (or in their office) don't understand what this fight about document standards is all about, and they probably don't care either.

This struggle is very unimportant and that is why there is so much fuzz.
What is clear is that the [fast-track standardisation opponents] don't seem to want users to have a competitive choices in the market or between standards.

The more riddiculous your arguments the less reasonable you sound in an official professional environment. Standard policy is very professional, you have to put forward real and good arguments. It reminds me of the foolish Microsoft public communication strategy against the EU competition authorities, you can't impress a professional community when you pretend to misunderstand the basics of ordo policy. And in the case of standards policy the implications of certain factors are very well understood.