Das geJAUCHe der Süddeutschen Klassenlotteristen
Beim letzen Mal hatte ich einen Vollprofi am Telefon. Der erklärte mir, dass das ihm das ja leid tue, aber das Bundesverfassungsgericht wolle das so. Das habe nämlich festgestellt, dass die Praktiken legal seien. Na, wenn die das schon sagen, und der liebe Herr Jauch im Fernsehen auch dafür ist :-)
Oh je!
Oh je!
Der Ratzinger wird Vater
Und ich muss zu meiner Schande (?) gestehen, dass ich nicht einmal den Namen meines zuständigen evangelischen Bischofs kenne. Für uns ein reiner Verwaltungschef, ein Kirchenbonze - so wichtig für mich als Protestanten wie der Name des Vorsitzenden des ADAC für die Autofahrer, den ich auch nicht kenne. Da hat es ein katholischer Kirchenmonarch doch ungleich besser. Wenn der etwas äußert, ist es nicht nur Meinung, sondern hat gleich Autorität für die Gläubigen. Wir Lutheraner brauchen dafür immer unser eigenes Gewissen... Da hat man es schwer mit der "Geschlossenheit".
So sei denn als mein evangelisches Grußwort an den neuen "Heiligen Vater" das Bibelwort Jesu nach Matthäus 23 (Elberfelder Bibel) beigegeben:
23,9 Ihr sollt auch nicht [jemanden] auf der Erde euren Vater nennen; denn einer ist euer Vater, [nämlich] der im Himmel. 23,10 Laßt euch auch nicht Meister nennen; denn einer ist euer Meister, der Christus. 23,11 Der Größte aber unter euch soll euer Diener sein. 23,12 Wer sich aber selbst erhöhen wird, wird erniedrigt werden; und wer sich selbst erniedrigen wird, wird erhöht werden.
So sei denn zu hoffen, dass Erniedrigung und Erhöhung, die der "Heilige Vater" in der Berichterstattung erfährt, nunmehr wundersam ausblanciert werden, und die gläubigen Katholiken von ihm positiv überrascht werden. Er wird ihnen wohl eine Chance geben.
Margot Wallström Blog
(*) It was amazing to me to listen to recording of Charlie McCreevy's pathetic speech at the Judicial Affairs Committee (2005-02-02) . A great classical rhetorical failure. The new Commissioner provoked a working group of EU-Parliament with a cloudy talk and faced substancial criticism.
It is a pleasure for me to be here today before the Legal Affairs Committee. This is my first time. And I hope that I will be invited back – not once, but many times. Your committee is at the heart of my work as Commissioner responsible for the internal market and services. It has been some two months since I started as Internal Market Commissioner. It is a fascinating job and I am learning every day. Without pretending that I know it all, let me offer you some initial views as to how I see the future of the Internal Market over the next few years, in particular in the areas you are responsible for, company law and intellectual property.
First, we must place greater emphasis on correct implementation and effective application of Internal Market rules. Legislating is not just about making laws – it is about making laws work.
The main paradoxon of parliamentarism: Parliament is not a debate club as critics say. In dictatorships with no working Parliament representatives of the executive branch usually hold broad and cloudy talks about "humanity" and high moral values while slaughtering people or doing nothing to improve living conditions.
Scott Ritter: USA wollen Iran bis Juni 2005 in die Knie zwingen
But, based upon history, precedent, and personalities, the intent of the United States regarding Iran is crystal clear: the Bush administration intends to bomb Iran.Whether this attack takes place in June 2005, when the Pentagon has been instructed to be ready, or at a later date, once all other preparations have been made, is really the only question that remains to be answered.
Wir sehen hier einen unerwarteten Seiteneffekt der Irakeroberung: Die Drohung mit einem militärischen Angriff ist deutlich glaubwürdiger. Israel habe bereits einen Angriffsplan, würde aber lieber die USA zusammen mit den Europäern eingreifen sehen um Verwerfungen in der Region zu vermeiden, so Ritter. Interessanterweise behauptet er aber eine Meinungsverschiedenheit über die EU, während die Vereinigten Staatendespite recent warm remarks by President Bush and Condi Rice, the US does not fully embrace the EU's Iran diplomacy, viewing it as a programme 'doomed to fail'.
sei die israelische Diplomatie aufgeschlossener.
'The way to stop Iran', a senior Israeli official has said, 'is by the leadership of the US, supported by European countries and taking this issue to the UN, and using the diplomatic channel with sanctions as a tool and a very deep inspection regime and full transparency.'
It seems that Tel Aviv and Washington, DC aren't too far removed on their Iranian policy objectives, except that there is always the unspoken 'twist': what if the United States does not fully support European diplomatic initiatives, has no interest in letting IAEA inspections work, and envisions UN sanctions as a permanent means of containment until regime change is accomplished in Tehran, as opposed to a tool designed to compel Iran to cooperate on eliminating its nuclear programme?
Russen und andere Deutsche
Severe power abuse of the EPO
The EPO manages the workflow from idea to invention, from invention to innovation
and from innovation to the market place"(Alain Pompidou)
This is not true. The EPO is responsible for granting patent applications only. And he further adds general reasons why he believes patents were important:
- patents are the most important transmission belt for the transfer of technology
- patents constitute the largest technology data base: They make technology transparent and inform about technical progress
- patents reward investment into innovative solutions: they secure return oninvestment
- patents support economic growth and employment
Other remarks of Pompidou relate to the Lisboa process, a kind of vapour EU strategy for the "most competitive and innovative" economy of the world. Pompidou tries to introduce general effects magically associated with patent law and breaks the instrumental view. But regarding the EPO's self-interests he draws back to a servile point of view, spreading the fiction that the EPO just obeys to the law.
The EPO has the task to grant patents in all areas of technology. It has to apply the provisions of the European Patent Convention in all cases. Dealing with computer-implemented inventions we have to implement the EPC, and the case law developed by the independent judiciary of the EPO.He is 100% right, but many scholars e.g. Prof. K.F.Lenz strongly criticised the current EPC interpretation of the Technical Board of Appeal. (for English readers: Lenz concludes that the Technical board of Appeal exceeded its competences with its reinterpretation of EPC 52.2 and the 52.3 "as such"-clause). Many European Courts did not follow the EPO line but the EPC. The EPO has to implement the EPC, and EPC 52.2 excludes programs for computers from patentability.
While the EPO is not in the position to change the law or the EPC but bound to it, the lawmaker is free to stop legal escape. Formally case law and the opinions of the EPO are irrelevant for that decision. Pompidou admits:
If the law is changed, or new law introduced by the legal system of the EU, the EPO will adjust its own law accordingly.But if it was so, why does the EPO lobby Parliament? The EPO and Mr. Pompidou have to abstain influencing the lawmaker.
Mr. Pompidou denied that there were software patents. The general public including MEPs know it better, and the GAUSS-extracts from the "largest technical documentation database" prove us the opposite. Empirical evidence that cannot be denied, so Pompidou did it anyway. Previous to the EPO lobbying event the FFII wrote a nice warning letter to MEPs where Jonas Maebe took a similar position:
The EPO lobbying politicians to promote software patents is a bit like
some Department of Housing promoting the handing out of more building permits. We hope our letter and its annexes can give MEPs more balanced information than the EPO's simplistic oneliners like "Idea + Patent = Innovation". Economic policy making should not be based on unfounded claims by the EPO and emotional pleas by its largest customers, but on sound economic evidence and the desires of the involved sectors as a whole.