"The Digital Majority", attempting to re-define the concept of the Digital Divide. A more traditional definition would understand this term as the the gap between those with regular, effective access to digital technologies and those without, the gap caused by outer circumstances, e.g. scarceness of financial resources in developing countries, social imbalances in industrialised countries or the like. Now, Mr. Hintjens proposes to understand the concept of the Digital Divide in view of a personal mindset of individuals by stating a dichotomy between those who have accepted the existence of a digital revolution caused by unleashing the Internet in the mid-1990s and who embrace a new world order coming over us in consequence thereof, on the one hand, and those deniers, who do not, on the other hand...
Spät aber richtig erkannt und zugleich auf die Unterschiede hinweisend:
I am inclined to accept that the Internet will change everybody's life more than what is perceivable today because of I agree to a common notion that, with regard to technological basic innovations, short-term effects are often overestimated while long-term effects are grossly underrated.
und da haben wir dann eben eine kulturelle Barriere, wenn man diesem Axiom nicht zustimmt. Sehr gut von Horns destilliert.
This attempt of semantical warfare appears to be nothing else than a means for fishing for supporters by offering a manichaeic duality between the good, which are not only superior in morality but also forming an exclusive elite knowing what the new digital world order is demanding, on the one hand, and the bad, who are not only inferior in morality but also ignorant of the new digital world order, on the other hand.
Das ist richtig erkannt. Nur wird kaum einer den kritischen Gehalt erkennen. Der entfaltet sich erst, wenn man von anderen Vorraussetzungen ausgeht. Die etwas aristokratische Haltung erwächst eben aus der Auseinandersetzung.