
Alles falsch, ihr Idioten

So jedenfalls der Tenor von Jed Babbin bei Yahoo News. Und worum geht es eigentlich?

The new memorandum about the status of terrorist detainees held at Guantanamo Bay...is being widely misreported. The memo... doesn't say that the terrorists are now POWs under the Geneva Conventions or that they will be afforded the full rights and protections of the Geneva Conventions. What it does say is that ... the treatment of the terrorist enemy combatants .... is believed to be consistent with Geneva standards. The media hype of this is entirely wrong.

Ja, diese schauerlichen Richtigstellungen.

a) doesn't say that the terrorists (!) are now POWs under the Geneva Conventions or that they will be afforded the full rights and protections of the Geneva Conventions


b) the treatment of the terrorist (!) enemy combatants .... is believed to be consistent with Geneva standards.

Das muss man erst mal verstehen...