
Gates wie Grippe

Noch ein interessanter Bericht von gestern. Irgendwie scheint jeder derzeit von der Grippe betroffen zu sein, mich traf es am Sonntag, Montag war im Eimer, Dienstag musste ich früh raus für einen Termin in den Niederlanden, Dienstag abend klatschte ich um neun ins Bett und bin heute wieder bettschwer.

TGdaily schreibt:

It's not as though prominent business executives shouldn't be allowed the occasional bad day, or that they're immune from the occasional ailment that afflicts an ordinary person, such as a stomach flu, a migraine, or the deep, sinking feeling that your country is slipping away from you.

und weiter

It could be that the man might just have needed an aspirin, or a nap, or a break ... But the historically unflappable, invariable Bill Gates generally gives us very little that's new to ponder over; ... For the first time in years, other players are setting the rules, and Microsoft is choosing not to play by those rules. All of a sudden, Microsoft finds itself the outsider, the holdout, the would-be up-and-coming player, and Bill Gates finds himself playing the role of the conservative stalwart, resistant to change, impervious to the winds of history.

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